Sunday, December 24, 2006

It's almost time!

The present pile under the tree is a strong lure, the food preparation for the many Chinese dishes for tomorrow is under way, and we've been raiding the countryside for our table decoration, which can only mean Christmas!

I finished work on Thursday, after very little work was done, and the biodiversity team lost a game of sprout subbuteo to the education team. Every year apparently, the fundraising team put on a load of silly games in their offices, such as the aforementioned sprout-based game, and table football with broken handles - very amusing indeed!

Friday was spent doing the Christmas shop - what horror! And then last night I went out into Salisbury with Hayley's friends again, for an evening of being groped in the chapel by 18 yr-olds - the air was thick with testosterone. Despite this, 'twas a great night, and a good way to see in Christmas Eve. Now I am extremely knackered, which should mean that I can sleep soundly ready for tomorrow morning. But before I get to that stage, I have to go and visit Psycho Grandma - great...

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