Sunday, October 29, 2006

Last week and new job

My last week at Natural England went very well. I was training up the new RDS people in casework, and getting them to do some responses, and they seemed to enjoy it, though I'm not sure quite how productive they'll be this week!

Friday I went out with Rachel, Val and this RDS person called George to have a look at some casework in action, which was really interesting. Alex had been away all week in the Lakes, so she missed out on the big cake I had bought, which went down a treat when we got back! It was really sad to say goodbye, and some tears were shed, but I will see most of them quite regularly as they are now firm friends.

Friday evening also saw my parents depart for the Cotswolds, so I had the house to myself. I had originally planned a party but no-one could come. Instead, I cooked for Rachel and Grant and Alex, which turned out remarkably well, before watching The Holy Grail - I had carved out a pumpkin as a grail-shaped beacon! It was a thoroughly nice evening and I'm sure we'll do more in the future. I'll see them again in a couple of weeks anyway for Chris's birthday.

So my new job starts tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward to it. How will Wiltshire planning differ from Hampshire? Time will tell...

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