Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Yesterday was stream ecology, which was really cool, though knackering as it involved much walking and carrying of equipment. We were sampling the River Medina from source to mouth, and all was fine until the last site, where it was severely deep! Several people got very wet wading across taking readings, and I was not one of them thank God!!!

And today we did coastal stuff, where it was extremely cold and wet, and involved much throwing of stones into the water, because at heart we are all children.

Tomorrow is our final day of training and then the assessment starts, with an exam on Friday lasting about 2 hours, which we are all gutted about!

Anyway, that is my life at the moment. Oh, and I didn't get a Valentine, for a bit of variety!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe sounds like fun! =D We throw a lot of stones in the sea too =')
Good luck in the exam!