Friday, April 27, 2007

The realisation of dreams

Well maybe just one...

For finally I am selling some prints of my artwork in Devizes Fine Arts! I was so pleased with how they turned out - they looked so professional, and he's going to sell them for £25, which will all be mine!

I am also trying to get a website setup for my art too - it's always been one of my ambitions to become a well known (at least locally!) artist, though it would never be my whole career, I would miss the wildlife too much!

Other ambitions:

Visit the Amazon, the Galapagos, Great Barrier Reef (this will be realised this October hopefully!), see tigers in the wild, become well known for my conservation expertise!

Oh, and you'll all be pleased to hear that the latest painting is still looking good, which is usually a good sign (though it has been known for me to change my mind later on!).

1 comment:

Lil said...

Wheee congratulations, that's soooooo fantastic! I'll have to see them =D

Haha our ambitions are far too similar ;)