Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Away, back, and away again!

I SO needed that holiday!

A week in Normandy was great - we visited the marshes, the Normandy landing beaches and monuments, the Bayeux Tapestry, the Normandie-Maine Regional Park and Mont St Michel. We had snow a couple of days after I got sunburnt (= mad).

Wildlife-wise, saw lots of raptors (tonnes of kestrels and buzzards, but in the marshes also loads of marsh harriers, and a suspected hen harrier), great egrets and herons and numerous storks. the best encounter was watching the epic battle of stork versus snake - the stork won (yum yum).

This week back has been so hectic. I say 'has been' because it has now finished! Monday was basically sorting out all the mess that occurred in my absence. Yesterday was a sort of team-building event at our latest reserve LowerMoor Farm, which has resulted in 'lopper's shoulder' (i.e. too-much lopping!). And today I actually got some work done! The reason we have tomorrow off is thanks to the Trust believing we should have a couple more days off a year (the other one is around Xmas).

I'm going to a party tomorrow night too, a couple of people are leaving from work - it is Welsh themed - time to dust off my Monty Python 'Woman attending the stoning' costume, and remember to bring the beard...

(oh and Lil- am way jealous of the recent house-purchase- will you be in there when I come in May I wonder? And river boat for wedding = tres cool)

1 comment:

Lil said...

Looks like it was a fab holiday, that stork photo is great! =)

If all goes to plan (*fingers crossed*) we should be in by the end of May, so the 18th might be a bit early =P