Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I am surprised I can still talk

So much has happened in the intervening period!

So last week I spent time trying to find a car - and succeeded! Bright red Peugeot 206, which I'm quite pleased with actually. So that's one thing sorted. Of course, my claim has still not been resolved, and they've done nothing about my complaint, so I shall have to go higher up now - i.e. the Ombudsman. It's never easy is it?

Apart from that, work has been going rather slowly, much to the annoyance of colleagues etc.

Oh, but the Bypass has been called in for a Public Inquiry, which means months and months of that damned application. Should be great fun, I expect.

Saturday was Tim (my friend Sarah's housemate)'s 30th, which was an excellent excuse for a party at St Cuthbert's again! The Singstar DVD arrived just in time, so once again it was several hours of karaoke for me, followed by dancing to some really cool music played on Tim's friend's decks. We eventually got to bed at 4am. I am still knackered. But it was good because Hannah (their ex-housemate) had driven all the way back from North Wales for it, and even Bill and Tony turned up, though Bill politely declined the Karaoke. You will see that Tony did not. Oh dear.

So it will soon be the weekend, as I have meetings the next three days (involving one in the field - gasp!) and then Sarah and I are off to Essex to visit Pat (who used to work at the Trust), which I'm really looking forward to - badger watching and fossil hunting are among the interesting things lined up for us!

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