Friday, April 28, 2006

The end of my first week

Well I made it through my first week, and I have to say that is just keeps getting better and better. Together, Leigh and I have managed to get through most of the casework, so that we can get to go out and do site visits more.

It's so nice to be working in a place where everyone has pretty much the same views on the environment, and you can have some really informed discussions about things. Today I was discussing fishing lakes and the impacts on SSSI rivers, which was really interesting, and there is the possibility that Leigh and I can go out and learn a bit more about fisheries with experts.

I'm also learning lots more in depth stuff about legislation and what landowners can and can't do, so it's all very useful!


Anonymous said...

Yayyy for the new job, glad you're enjoying it and getting lots of good experience! =D

Anna and Scott said...

That is really great. Glad you're enjoying it!

Anna and Scott said...

I just thought.. you've got to change the name of your blog now!

Char said...

What sort of trouble my dear Matthew? technical, physical or mental?!

I'm not quite a Conservation Biologist yet Anna!

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.