Sunday, February 19, 2006


On Friday the field studies trainees like myself had a 2.5 hr exam, and an instructor exam, which we all passed with flying colours. So now we can teach this to kids, and be responsible for them offsite. Hmmmm......

Yesterday I had normal activities, which is mostly quads and very muddy. The kids were nice though (yes, you read it correctly!).

Today is my day off, which I needed really badly. The Friday night was Vicky's 23rd birthday, which was in the style of a children's party with jelly (albeit vodka!), cake, party bags, pass the parcel and musical bumps. We all consumed copious amounts of alcohol, so most of us had an early night last night!

Anyway, I might walk into Cowes today, if it stops raining long enough!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Yesterday was stream ecology, which was really cool, though knackering as it involved much walking and carrying of equipment. We were sampling the River Medina from source to mouth, and all was fine until the last site, where it was severely deep! Several people got very wet wading across taking readings, and I was not one of them thank God!!!

And today we did coastal stuff, where it was extremely cold and wet, and involved much throwing of stones into the water, because at heart we are all children.

Tomorrow is our final day of training and then the assessment starts, with an exam on Friday lasting about 2 hours, which we are all gutted about!

Anyway, that is my life at the moment. Oh, and I didn't get a Valentine, for a bit of variety!!!

Monday, February 13, 2006

My day off and other stuff

Yesterday was my day off and my parents came down, which was really nice. We had a nice meal (much better food than the slop they serve most days here).

I started my second week of training today, where the highlight was rockpooling- I love this so much, and tomorrow we are doing stream ecology, which I think I love even more, so as you can imagine I am having a brilliant time!

My only grumble is that most of the returners are rather sullen and unenthusiastic, and the bar has no atmosphere at all, as there are very few bubbly people like myself. We are hoping that the newbies from the next training courses will be much louder (in a nice way) and that the season will pick up, but so far I can't understand how the returners came back, when they quite obviously couldn't care less about what they're doing. I think it's a shame.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

My first experience with kids

Yes, they have arrived!

As I am qualified in quad bikes, I have spent most of the week taking those sessions, and have surprised myself at how good I have been (i.e. the kids were still alive at the end!!). The returners, who I have shadowed for a few sessions, and who I have shared my quad sessions with, have mostly been nice, though some I was not impressed with. The first session I shadowed was archery and the kids were really bored at the end of it. I also had an evening ents (you usually get one a week) of a night hike with 2 returners (one we have nicknamed Lumpface) and one newbie called Hannah (not the annoying one). We obviously wanted to do the hike together (you have two instructors on a night hike) but they weren't having it, so of course I had to put my foot down. They conceded, obviously weren't happy, and we had a brilliant night hike! We then had DI duty (night duty, ensuring all kids are in bed and quiet), which went ok, though a few kids were acting up, so by the end of that day we were knackered.

Before the season started on Monday, we went out to a pub for a meal and an evening of dancing on the tables - it really was a site to behold, with everyone up there, almost concussing themselves with the low ceilings and beams.

On Thursday, the night before most of the kids left, was a disco where some staff were on duty. We weren't but decided to go along anyway, and had a great time making fools of ourselves. We then went back to the 'Library' (the onsite bar) for karaoke where I sang with several people and rounded off the evening nicely.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Fall from grace

Well yesterday was an eventful one. I did some more field studies sessions, involving taking river readings, and then looking at trees, which were really cool. Then we went for an evening of rock climbing, which was without ropes but with crash mats, so we had to sign a disclaimer form.

It's just as well we did, because otherwise Seb (our lovely Dutch instructor) would have been in lots of trouble. As it was, my fall and Hannah's fall (another girl in my field studies group who I am having slight difficulties with, because she always has something to say about everything, but anyway) were down to us.

So I climbed my first wall and jumped, though fell so strangely I almost gave myself concussion on the wall. The second time, I thought I had bent my knees enough, but ended up falling backwards and doing my back in. I have never felt pain like it (now I know how you feel Hayley) and went into shock. I was fine for a few minutes then started shaking and getting cold. Meanwhile, Hannah had fallen and jammed her ankle between the mat and the wall, so was in agony. So when the first aiders arrived there was I lying underneath a pile of coats shaking like anything, and Hannah sobbing with an ankle the size of a house. I was pronounced fit, whereas Hannah had very limited movement so was shipped off to the hospital (she later arrived back on site on crutches but only with a sprain).

I expected to wake up this morning feeling so bad, but actually I was ok, and with a breakfast of Ibuprofen I was alright for the day.

Today we went down to the beach to do an environmental impact assessment on a derelict site, and then did offsite scenarios, where I was rubbish at controlling the naughty 'kids'. So today has not been the best, though I am going out tonight to a pub for a meal and a sort of dance, though this might be substantially reduced to my normal standard!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Bugs and beasties

I have now started my field studies training and am reverting back to childhood (which I guess is a good thing!).

Yesterday we did a minibeast safari, which consisted of sampling various sites (e.g. pond, bushes, log pile), which was so cool. And today we went to Sandown to do a quite boring human geography session, which was followed by a great visit to a dinosaur museum and an aborted attempt at fossil hunting (the tide was in - something to remember when we instruct!).

Next week we have various activities and evening entertainment actually with the kids, though I think we are shadowing people and/or being watched by other members of staff, which I'm quite scared about, though I'm sure we'll all be fine.

Oh, and another fun thing, we had to choose our uniform today, so soon we will look great!