Monday, February 13, 2006

My day off and other stuff

Yesterday was my day off and my parents came down, which was really nice. We had a nice meal (much better food than the slop they serve most days here).

I started my second week of training today, where the highlight was rockpooling- I love this so much, and tomorrow we are doing stream ecology, which I think I love even more, so as you can imagine I am having a brilliant time!

My only grumble is that most of the returners are rather sullen and unenthusiastic, and the bar has no atmosphere at all, as there are very few bubbly people like myself. We are hoping that the newbies from the next training courses will be much louder (in a nice way) and that the season will pick up, but so far I can't understand how the returners came back, when they quite obviously couldn't care less about what they're doing. I think it's a shame.

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