Monday, January 16, 2006

Saying goodbye

Well, my last weekend dawned and I had arranged to go out of with some of my friends in Salisbury, but the crowd of people got rapidly smaller. Some people had already arranged things, and one person let me down right at the last minute. I was rather peed off and a rapid exchange of texts and a phone call resulted in this person sobbing down the phone to me, as they were really offended by my assumption that they had dropped out to go to another club in Bournemouth.

I'm afraid emotional blackmail doesn't work on me, and it seems rather likely that the myriad of excuses thought up by her were a cover for something else, albeit not what I had originally thought. We shall see what emerges.

Anyway, I had a great time without them anyway, with my old friend Claire and her boyfriend Chris (never met him before, but on first impressions: approved!) and Hayley and a couple of her friends. It was really sad saying goodbye at the end of the night, but as Hayley's dad is the captain of one of the IoW ferries, I'm sure she can pop over to say hello!

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