Friday, January 06, 2006

Highlights of 2005

Ok, so 2005 wasn't the most exciting of years but there were definitely some important points:

January: Decided we'd better get a move on organising our trip to NZ!!

February: Went to Garston woods near me and saw loads of hares really close, plus some deer too. Oh, and the carpets of bluebells and wild garlic were also rather pretty!

May: Brownsea Island, where we saw one miserly red squirrel, but I was chuffed all the same, even if it is very expensive!

June: Trip to Kew, thanks to English Nature. Also, results of my degree released (1st class!) and Graduation Ball with Electric Six.

July: Seeing a pair of ravens displaying in the air above Martin Down National Nature Reserve, and surprising a couple of foxes hunting in the long grass there. I also graduated this month, which was somewhat of an anticlimax, but nice to see everyone together for one last time.

August: Volunteering with CBMWC, where I saw seals, bottlenose dolphins, gannets, Manx shearwaters, and a badger!

September: Family holiday to Croatia, where I was seriously impressed with the diversity of fungi in Risnjak National Park, and the beauty of Plitvice Lakes NP.

October: Booked our flights to NZ! Went on the dole (what a waste of time that was).

November: Said goodbye to Margaret, uni friend, who is emigrating to Oz.

December: Graduates Xmas Party, where I bumped into loads of old uni friends. Got offered a job (at long last) on the Isle of Wight (oh well, you can't have it all). Plus, with my new binoculars, was thoroughly amazed to see a roe deer blinking (look, I thought it was amazing!).

So, looking back, I guess it has been quite good actually!

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