This weekend was so knackering but absolutely amazing!
After my interview on Friday, which went very well (I actually enjoyed it!) I then found out at 6pm that I hadn't got it (not enough experience), which I wasn't too gutted about really. It sounded a bit like a glorified librarian.
Anyway, we drove down to Goodwood for the Revival, which we would attend all weekend. It was brilliant, so entertaining with everyone dressed up (the boys did, but us girls would have got a bit cold and wet as it was disgusting on Saturday!), and with Dad's Army and Glamcabs. So surreal.
We watched so many classic cars racing, being raced by Stirling Moss, Rowan Atkinson (he spun his big Jag), Christian Klien and Johnny Herbert to name but a few. And the air displays of spitfires and Mustangs were spectacular.
I will almost certainly be going again in the future - what an experience!