Monday, June 12, 2006


Yes, the time is drawing ever nearer, and my excitement can hardly be contained!

Anyway, work continues apace. The Springwatch event on the Common was great fun, with a really nice atmosphere. Apart from the odd question (how can I get a toad for our garden?) it just consisted of handing out leaflets.

This weekend has just flown by - Saturday was a scorcher, and I went to Portsmouth to meet Hannah and Bonnie from PGL, which was really nice, though by the time we got to the beach I had to head back to the station!

Yesterday Mum and I went to Avon Heath Country Park, where we sweatily-trudged our way around the park, seeing buzzards, dragonflies (including the gold-ringed dragonfly, spectacular!) and a slowworm getting eaten alive by ants - nice. After a slight wrong turn (adding an hour to our journey, and along a route contrary to my suggestions - parents, honestly!) we finally made it back to the carpark, completely knackered.


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