Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Chavs and night duty

Sorry I haven't updated you for a while, but I had typed out my update and then the internet crashed, so I am having to write it out all over again!


Yes, I have been very busy seeing to lots of older kids recently. there have been two major incidents that are worth mentioning:

1. Bishop Luffa chav kids: This school group of 200 consisted almost entirely of chavs, which made it almost impossible to instruct certain sessions. I had several sessions with them, almost all of which were fine apart from my two problem solving sessions, which is a shame, as this is one of my favourite sessions. They were having none of it, and would not stop messing around, even though I tried to be calm, funny and shouty. In the end I pulled the session from the naughty kids, who went to sit by the teacher for half an hour looking bored, watching the good kids having fun solving the problems.

2. The Night Duty incident: Everyone, once in a while, needs to complete night duty, which involves patrolling set areas of the chalets to keep the noise down. One night recently, Hannah and I were patrolling the 16 yr olds, who were having a little rave in their room, which we didn't think was that loud at all. However, up comes my favourite person AJ with another guy called Jonesy, who were patroling over the other side of the site. They muscled in, shouted at the kids like teachers, got laughed at, then threatened to take their stereo away. It was so overboard, and it was a shame as the kids were actually really nice. Anyway, we thought that was all until the teachers came up, having been dragged up from the bar by, you've guessed it, AJ. They were very disappointed in us saying "I thought you'd come and get us if there were any problems" which made us look really stupid and unprofessional. We complained to management, and he did apologise, saying that he was wrong to do what he did, without telling us or asking anyone else. He's still an idiot though!

I had to have the day off sick yesterday, as I have a really really bad cold and chesty cough, and was very dizzy, which would have been very dangerous if I was instructing quads! I am now feeling much better, and no longer keeping people awake coughing in my sleep!

Training course two are now here (well, they've been here for about a week now) and it was weird today because Vicky and I had to partially train them on quads (really just their taster session). Alysia's boyfriend is with them and seems really nice.

Oh, two people were sacked yesterday for their attitudes towards the instructors and the company, which came as a big surprise. It will be sad without Phil, though I haven't the foggiest who Luke is so I obviously won't miss him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe see this is why I wouldn't be able to do your job... ;P

Hope you feel better soon =D