Saturday, July 29, 2006

Buy the next issue of BBC Wildlife...

...I'm in the ask the experts section! Obviously asking a question, not an expert, but still really cool, especially as they have used my photo too.


I'm in the current issue of Private Eye! They wrote an appalling article about badger culling which was so unscientific I just had to respond. I missed the issue 1162 where my orginal letter was printed I think (must order back issue), along with a load of others - it obviously got a big response. Now someone has come back and disputed all of the anti-cull responses. I think they were trying to be a bit tongue-in-cheek with putting MEnvSci after my name, probably saying that I thought I knew everything having a degree. I am a bit annoyed actually, but it is just like the Fox hunting debate all over again - you can't change either side's opinion. So I must be content to let it go. I know he is wrong, but what can you do? At least I know 95% of the country think the way I do, not that that's very scientific or anything!

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